Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Nigel Farage on Sun Radio

A couple of days ago I was called on to respond to some comments that Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP had made during an interview with Sun Radio.

Nigel claimed that Libertas has been misleading the British public. Apparently, while feigning euroscepticism, Libertas actually wants to create a bigger and stronger Europe! C'mon Nigel, if that's what we wanted, Libertas would have let Lisbon go through on the nod - you know, one of those 'thumbs up' European Parliament moments where no one knows what the hell anyone is voting for, so they just play follow my leader.

So who is misleading who?

And then there is the small matter of the registration of the party name 'Libertas UK' by Bridget Rowe, who Nigel admitted in the interview is still part of the UKIP operation! He also admits to being behind the whole thing, citing reasons so pathetic that they need to be aired again and again, to show his party up for what it really is. Time for the Electoral Commission to take a view don't you think?

Politics of the playground.

1 comment:

  1. Okay I was never a support of UKIP (despite my wife uncle being a part of the movement) but what essentially is the difference between Libertas and the UK for the UK person.

    Libertas seem to want to make Europe more democratic within the exitsing structure.

    UKIP seem to want to destroy Europe from with in and so get the UK out of the EU al together.

    Is that a fair assumption? and can you print it here?
